InnoDB is a database storage engine for MySQL relational databases, which is used by widespread open-source script-powered software applications such as Magento and Joomla v3. It is perfect for scalable apps, since it works amazingly well when managing immense volumes of data. Instead of locking the entire table to enter new information into a database like many other engines do, InnoDB locks only one row, so it can process much more operations for the same length of time. Additionally, InnoDB offers a much faster database failure recovery and supports database transactions and foreign keys – a set of rules that determine how data imports and modifications should be handled. If a certain operation hasn’t been thoroughly completed for whatever reason, the action will be rolled back. In this way, the database content will remain intact and will not be partially merged with newly inserted content.

InnoDB in Shared Hosting

Every open-source script-based web app that requires InnoDB will function flawlessly on our avant-garde cloud hosting platform and the database storage engine is offered with all our shared hosting plans. Every time you create a MySQL database manually or our app installer tool creates one automatically and an app installation process is initiated, the engine that the database will make use of will be selected in accordance with the app’s specifications without the need to modify any setting in your shared web hosting account. InnoDB will be picked automatically for any application that requires this particular engine and you’ll be able to take advantage of its full capacity. We’ll keep regular content backups, so in case you accidentally erase a database that is important to you or you overwrite certain parts of it, we’ll be able to restore your data the way it was just several hours earlier.

InnoDB in Semi-dedicated Servers

You can activate a PHP-powered software app that requires InnoDB with all of our semi-dedicated server packages, as all the accounts are set up on our leading-edge cloud platform where the MySQL storage engine is installed. A new database can be set up in two separate ways – manually through the Database Manager section of the Hepsia website hosting Control Panel, or automatically – if you take advantage of our single-click app installer. In either case, the needed engine will be picked automatically once the application’s installation begins, so you won’t have to modify anything manually, regardless of whether the application needs InnoDB or the more frequently used MyISAM. Also, we’ll always be able to recover any of your databases in case you accidentally remove one, as we create a couple of backups every day, each of which is kept for seven days.

InnoDB in VPS Servers

If our custom-built Hepsia Control Panel is picked during the signup process for a new VPS web hosting plans , InnoDB will be activated on the Virtual Private Server together with other required pieces of software, so you won’t have to do anything if you decide to run script-powered applications that require this MySQL database engine. MyISAM – the default MySQL engine, will be installed as well. You can create a brand new database and start the app installation procedure manually or using our single-click installer tool. The system will detect the engine that the particular app needs and will assign it to the specific MySQL database, so the installation will continue impeccably and the application can enter its data into that database. Thus, you can install apps with different requirements concerning the MySQL engine without the need to make any changes on your Virtual Private Server.

InnoDB in Dedicated Servers

All dedicated servers ordered with our custom-developed Hepsia Control Panel include a software package that’s pre-installed and besides everything else, you’ll get the InnoDB storage engine, so you will not have to add it manually in case you wish to activate scripts that need it. All it takes to install such a script is to create a new MySQL database and to initiate the setup process – as soon as the installer wizard gains access to the database in question and starts importing content into it, InnoDB will be set as the default MySQL engine for this database on the condition that it is the one required by the script. You will also be able to install scripts that need MyISAM – the other popular MySQL engine, so you won’t have to change any settings on the server. This will enable you to run a variety of scripts on one single machine and to use the latter to its fullest capacity.