Relocate to a semi–dedicated hosting solution with a mouse–click at an advantageous cost. Handle your web server via a convenient Control Panel. Have limitless domain names and databases. Make use of as much as 1 CPU core. A 99.9% server uptime is warranted. There are not any installation fees whatsoever.
Mercury Package
Unlimited Disk Space Unlimited Monthly Traffic Unlimited Hosted Domain(s) 1 CPU Core(s) Unlimited MySQL Storage Unlimited E-mail Accounts Unlimited MySQL Databases 1 IP Address - » All features
We're Different
Mercury hosting at
$20.00/mo.Test our web hosting services with a 30 day completely free trial period. No payment required.
Web App Installer
A 1–click Web Apps Installer with more than forty PHP–based free scripts
In the Web Applications Installer you can see a fast Web Applications Installer, by way of which you can set up an application that you like choosing from about forty no cost PHP–based web apps. It will help you to get your blog page, online community, graphic collection or e–commerce store on the net in just a few minutes. All you have to do is opt for the preferred application, submit some information regarding your site then press the Install button. That’s it! We will execute the set up for you within seconds. No program code to write, no special scripts to set up.
24x7 Support
Ask us everything. We are here for you twenty–four–seven.
Patiently waiting for hours and hours to get an answer from the assistance crew may be very displeasing, regardless of how unimportant your problem is. This is exactly why, here, at Our Website Service, we give a 1 hour reaction time guarantee, and our experts typically answer in under twenty minutes by using the ticketing system included in the Web Applications Installer. They’re out there for you round–the–clock.
Web Stats
Track your websites 24x7x365 from your Web Hosting Control Panel
The Web Applications Installer is provided with a set of precise web stats tools that offer you precise and up–to–date info with regard to your sites. You will have the ability keep track of your website’s views at length and discover anything you need about your visitors – where they come from and what device and web client they are using. You might pick from three software tools – the famous AWStats and Webalizer tools, and an innovative, all–embracing web analytics software that we’ve made with your advice and suggestions into account.
Web Hosting Control Panel
Maintain your sites with just a click of your mouse
It’s now trouble–free to take over your sites with the cutting–edge Web Applications Installer that we have developed exclusively for you with ease of usage into account. Control your data with effortless drag–n–drop steps, register, transfer and manage a lot of domain names from just a single location, set up email accounts straight away, run email list activities easily, configure and open your databases with a click, examine site stats in real time, etcetera). Professional applications just like a framework installer, an .htaccess generator and a hotlink protection program are enclosed as well.
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Service guarantees
- Each of Our Website Service’s Linux semi-dedicated servers will be set up for your needs without cost. 99.9% service uptime. SSH access.
Compare our prices
- Preview the tools and parameters offered by Our Website Service’s Linux semi-dedicated servers. Get started with a smaller server configuration and upgrade with a click of the mouse as your online presence grows.
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Contact Us
- Our Website Service is online 24 hours to answer any inquiries about our Linux semi-dedicated servers. 1–hour reply–back time frame guarantee.