Using the range of Web Site Optimization Resources included in the Web Hosting Control Panel, you are able to begin promoting your brand–new web site, once it’s been created. Using the RSS News instrument, you can easily put a regularly revised news part in your site. Utilizing the GeoIP redirection tool, you can easily direct your customers based on their location. Also, via the Sitemap Generator, you can make a complete sitemap for your website and submit it to the major search engines.

A Sitemap Generator

Get a sitemap with all your web pages in a mouse click

The simplest way of getting your recently introduced site listed in the search engines will be to submit a sitemap. The sitemap offers all the webpages within your website and by posting it to a search engine, you inform it you want those pages to get scanned as fast as possible. Sitemaps are often created by 3rd party applications. Nevertheless, here, you do not need to move away from your Web Hosting Control Panel. Our Website Service’s custom–built Sitemap Generator is integrated into the Advanced Resources part and will set up a sitemap for you in a click.

All you should do is pick the maximum amount of pages you’ll want to be crawled, the depth of the indexed hyperlinks and also the format of the sitemap report.

Sitemap Generator

GeoIP Redirection

Very easy location–driven redirection

We supply an easy tool, which will help you to filter the visitors to your site based upon their country. For instance, using the GeoIP re–direction tool, you can quickly send all of the website traffic from Spain to the Spanish variant of your site in case you have such. This enables you to target your web visitors much more precisely and supply them with the on–site experience they expect.

No special abilities or technical comprehension are necessary to make use of the GeoIP re–direction tool, and you will no longer need to use .htaccess files to do the job.

GeoIP Redirect

RSS News

Present the most current headlines on your site

In the Our Website Service Web Hosting Control Panel, we have integrated an instrument, which lets you insert news from the most well–liked information sites across the world inside your web sites, with just a click. Our News tool operates on auto–pilot and doesn’t require any additional configuration work on your part,

The RSS News Publication component is simple to customize in terms of HTML and CSS. You could adjust the total number of news items that will be showcased, the way they will appear like, how they will be ordered, and so forth.

RSS News